This question type is based on the slider control on a mixing console: the participant can move a button within a defined range. Both the range and the button can be freely customized. This is what makes the slider a multifacted question type – it allows the participant to use visually appealing scale formats, sophisticated setting measurements (see VAS below), a thermometer or a ladder to indicate their level of preference.
The slider can be used as a continuous scale (normally a range of 1 to 101) or a certain number of levels can be specified.
Note: Sliders are displayed in the questionnaire using JavaScript. If the participant has deactivated JavaScript, the programme shows an alternative display with 11 selection fields – if a lower differentiation was specified in the question, fewer fields will be shown.
You can find a special form of slider in the question templates: the visual analogue scale. This type of slider is made up of a plain line and respondents indicate their answer by moving the mouse pointer to the desired position on the slider.
As a rule, analogue scales provide more accurate data than the classic 5 or 7-point scales. They are also well-suited for bringing diversification into the questionnaire. However, the response time for each item is twice as long as when a 5-point scale is used.
Each slider consists of two components: a scale (the background) and the slider button (the part that moves). For both components, there is a range of graphics ready to choose from, which can be selected in Graphic for scale and Graphic for slider button.
If you use the predefined scales, as a rule, you do not have to worry where to place the slider button. This will be automatically adjusted.
There is also the option to use your own graphics as a scale and/or slider button:
The slider feature is powered by the JavaScript Class SoSciSliders
. The following methods are available. They are explained in examples below.
Slider SoSciSliders.getSlider(String sliderID)
void SoSciSliders.setFormat(Function func, [String sliderID])
void SoSciSliders.setDisplay(Function func, [String sliderID])
A single slider as returned by SoSciSliders.getSlider()
is of class Slider
. This class has the following attributes and methods:
int Slider.value
boolean Slider.disabled
number Slider.getValue(int index, Boolean exakt)
void Slider.setValue(number value, int index)
void Slider.fixValue(number value, int index)
object Slider.getButtonPosition(int index)
and y
.void Slider.addEventListener(string EventID, callable Function)
For example, the following HTML/JavaScript code (JavaScript in the Questionnaire) will forward the participant to the next page directly after clicking on the first item of the slider question „AB01“ if a valid value has been selected.
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- // The slider will not be available before the page has been loaded SoSciTools.attachEvent(window, "load", function() { var slider = SoSciSliders.getSlider("AB01_01"); // The "click" event will fire when the respondents moves the slider slider.addEventListener("click", function() { if (slider.getValue() > 0) { SoSciTools.submitPage(); } }); }); </script>
A slider may display the current position (in percent) above, below, or beside the slider button. Use the option Display value to enable this feature.
Using a bit JavaScript, you may display something different than the percent value. First, you need a function to convert the internal value into the text to display.
Note: Enable the option Display value to show any text next to the slider button at all.
Note: The internal value is between 1 and the Differentiation defined for the slider (default 101).
Note: When the slider is operated, a decimal number is used internally, since the slider moves continuously if a differentiation greater than 20 is set. For output, this value (value
) may have to be rounded to an integer to get the same value as it will later be stored in the data set: Math.round(value)
The following JavaScript code displays the set value as it is stored in the data set, i.e. without a percent sign and starting at 1.
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var formatter = function(value, reversed) { // Display nothing if there is a value less than 0 (e.g. -9 = no response). if (value < 0) { return ""; } // Round the value and return it as texts for display. return String(Math.round(value)); } // Use the function defined above for all sliders on the page. SoSciSliders.setFormat(formatter); // --> </script>
There are different ways to place the JavaScript code. Read more about this in the JavaScript in the Questionnaire tutorial.
is left out and with s2[""].setFormat(formatter);
you can bind the function directly to the sliders of the individual question.
If you do not want all sliders on the page changed (in the same way), you may specify the slider in the second parameter of the JavaScript function SoSciSliders.setFormat()
SoSciSliders.setFormat(formatter, "AB01_02"); SoSciSliders.setFormat(formatter, "AB01_03");
Note: If you use the JavaScript code above and do not specify the items individually, the formatting function is then applied to all simultaneously visible sliders, not only to those of the respective page. The print preview of the questionnaire (proof and completed questionnaires) may therefore be incorrect.
Tip: The name formatter
used for the formatting function was chosen arbitrarily. You may define different functions to display different values in different sliders.
The following HTML/JavaScript code transforms the value range from 1-101 to 0-20, rounds it to whole numbers, and displays a Euro symbol after the value.
var formatter = function(value, reversed) { // Don't display anything if a value is less than 0 (e.g., -9 = no response) if (value < 0) return ""; // Transform the value from 1-101 to 0-100 (subtracting 1) and round using Math.round(), // then to the range 0-1 (divided by 100), // then to the range 0-20 (multiplied by 20), and // finally, add a space and the Euro symbol (plus " €") return String(Math.round((value - 1) / 100 * 20)) + " €"; } SoSciSliders.setFormat(formatter);
This JavaScript code (it has to be places within a <script>
tag as the code above) displays a number between -25.0°C and +25.0°C. The JavaScript method toFixed()
takes care of the decimal place.
var formatter = function(value) { if (value < 0) return ""; var text = ((value - 51) / 50 * 25).toFixed(1) + "°C"; if (value > 51) { text = "+" + text; } return text; } SoSciSliders.setFormat(formatter);
In order to display a time value between „0:00 hours“ and „24:00 hours“ with a step size of 15 minutes, a differentiation „1..97“ must be set in the slider (4 steps times 24 hours plus the value 24:00).
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var formatter = function(value, reversed) { if (value < 0) return ""; // Transformation to 0..96 value = Math.round(value - 1); // Determine hours and minutes by division/rest (modulo) with 4 var hours = Math.floor(value / 4); var minutes = Math.floor(60 * (value % 4) / 4); // Always display the minutes in two digits if (minutes < 10) minutes = "0" + minutes; // Connect the values with a colon return hours + ":" + minutes + " hours"; } SoSciSliders.setFormat(formatter); // --> </script>
With the same code you can of course request a time, you just have to exchange the „ hour “ at the end against „clock“.
In this example, a percentage distribution, e.g. „40% / 60%“ is to be displayed. A differentiation „1..101“ must be set in the slider (101 steps from 0 to 100%).
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var formatter = function(value, reversed) { if (value < 0) return ""; // The percentage value is the internal value minus 1 var percent = Math.round(value - 1); return percent + "% / " + (100 - percent) + "%"; } SoSciSliders.setFormat(formatter); SoSciSliders.setDisplay("top"); // --> </script>
is a protected blank space. Alternatively, you can use a positioning function (see below) which increases the width of the display field a little.
Using JavaScript, displaying of the position may also be disabled for single sliders. This HTML/JavaScript code disables the display for the second slider of question „AB01“.
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- SoSciSliders.setDisplay(null, "AB01_02"); // --> </script>
Maybe, you need to adjust the position of the displayed value. To do so, you need to define a function returning the desired position of the label (center x
, y
) and optional its with (width
in pixels), its alignment (align
) and fontsize (fontSize
) as object. This function receives 6 parameters: The position of the slider button (center x, y), the relative position on the scale (range 0 to 1), the label's width and height, and the index of the slider button – in case a secondary button is enabled.
This JavaScript code (it need to be nested within a <script>
tag, see above) displays labels in slider „AB01_01“, placing the label of the first button on the upper left of this button, and the second button's label on its upper right.
function positioner(x, y, position, width, height, buttonIndex) { if (button == 0) { return { x:x - width / 2, y:y - 20, align:"right" } } else { return { x:x + width / 2, y:y - 20, align:"left" } } } SoSciSliders.setDisplay(positioner, "AB01_01");
You may want to connect a text input (e.g., from the question types „Text Inputs“ or „Cloze Text“) with the slider.
If the slider (e.g., „SR01_01“) and the text input (e.g., „TE01_01“) are placed on the same questionnaire page, add a text element with the subsequent content (formatting: „HTML code“):
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- SoSciTools.attachEvent(window, "load", function() { SoSciSliders.getSlider("SR01_01").attachInput("TE01_01"); }); // --> </script>
Advice: The JavaScript function attachInput()
expects the HTML ID of the text input as parameter.
Tip: You can place the text input anywhere on the questionnaire page: Placing input fields freely
The templates for slider questions (to be found at New Question) already provides sliders with a „don't know“ (DK) option. Yet, they support only one-sided sliders, and only one DK option per slider.
This example shows how to employ multiple DK options per slider. To do so, a slider is combined with a fully-labelled scale (Combined Questions). For the example, the slider has the ID „AB01“ and the scale, containing 3 options, has the ID „AB02“. While the first option (code 1) indicates a selection in the slider, the other both options (codes 2 and 3) shall disable the slider.
Tip: If you prefer not to display a third option for the active slider, please go to Compose Questionnaire → tab Settings and enable the option that allows respondents to se-select selected options.
This PHP and HTML/JavaScript code is required for the combined question.
question('AB01', 'combine=AB02');
The JavaScript code shall be stored as text element. Important: Before the JavaScript the HTML code <script type="text/javascript">
is required, and below </script>
, to embed the JavaScript in HTML.
// Define questions var sliderID = "AB01"; var scaleID = "AB02"; // Define items to tune var items = [1,2,3]; // Define scale options to disable the slider var scaleDK = [2,3]; // Define scale options to enable the slider var scaleVA = [1]; // Remember slider values before disabling var sliderValues = [] // Convenience function function makeID(questionID, item, option) { var itemID = String(item); if (itemID.length < 2) { itemID = "0" + itemID; } var itemFull = questionID + "_" + itemID; if (!option) { return itemFull; } return itemFull + option; } // Function to care about setting the correct values function refreshSlider(item, status) { var slider = SoSciSliders.getSlider(makeID(sliderID, item)); // Optionally reset slider value if (status) { if ((slider.value == -9) && sliderValues[item]) { slider.value = sliderValues[item]; } } else { sliderValues[item] = slider.value; slider.value = -9; } // Optionally disable slider slider.disabled = !status; } // Function to select the (first) enabled-option if slider is used function refreshScale(item) { if (scaleVA.length < 1) { return; } var slider = SoSciSliders.getSlider(makeID(sliderID, item)); if (slider.value > 0) { var option = scaleVA[0]; var scaleOption = document.getElementById(makeID(scaleID, item, option)); scaleOption.checked = true; } } // Attach events to the scale SoSciTools.attachEvent(window, "load", function() { for (var ii=0; ii<items.length; ii++) { var item = items[ii]; for (var io=0; io<scaleDK.length; io++) { var option = scaleDK[io]; var scaleOption = document.getElementById(makeID(scaleID, item, option)); // This one employs a closure SoSciTools.attachEvent(scaleOption, "click", function(item, status) { return function(evt) { refreshSlider(item, status); } }(item, false)); } // Same for enabling options for (var io=0; io<scaleVA.length; io++) { var option = scaleVA[io]; var scaleOption = document.getElementById(makeID(scaleID, item, option)); // This one employs a closure SoSciTools.attachEvent(scaleOption, "click", function(item, status) { return function(evt) { refreshSlider(item, status); } }(item, true)); } // And also attach event to the sliders var slider = SoSciSliders.getSlider(makeID(sliderID, item)); slider.addEventListener("click", function(item) { return function(evt) { refreshScale(item); } }(item)); } });
Displaying the current sum of all sliders requires an HTML element with an ID where you can „write“ the value. This can be placed within an element of the question (title, explanation, etc.) or as separate HTML code on the page.
<div> The current sum is <span id="output">-</span>%. </div>
The JavaScript code must then iterate through all sliders on every change ("change"
). This is handled by the refresh()
function. If the value of a slider is greater than 0 (not on the „no response“ position), then the value is added to the sum. In the following code, the value is first rounded (sliders can provide non-integer values) and 1 is subtracted because the value range here goes from 1 to 101, but these values represent 0 to 100%.
window.addEventListener("load", function() { var slider = s2.SR01; var items = slider.items; function refresh() { var sum = 0; for (var key in items) { var value = items[key].value; if (value > 0) { sum+= Math.round(value) - 1; } } document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = sum; } for (var key in items) { items[key].addEventListener("change", refresh); } refresh(); });
Funke, Frederik. (2010). Internet-based measurement with visual analogue scales: An experimental investigation (Internetbasierte Messungen mit visuellen Analogskalen: Eine experimentelle Untersuchung). Dissertation. Available online