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en:create:smartphones [22.04.2018 18:00] christian.kutzen:create:smartphones [13.04.2019 17:08] – Formatting admin
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 Modern mobile phones often offer Internet access and an Internet browser. So what could be more obvious than using these smartphones for surveys? There are three different cases: Modern mobile phones often offer Internet access and an Internet browser. So what could be more obvious than using these smartphones for surveys? There are three different cases:
 +  * ** The questionnaire should work everywhere**\\ Often, participants should just be able to complete the questionnaire - regardless of whether they are using a laptop, tablet or smartphone.
 +  * **Questionnaire for mobile devices only**\\ Some study designs, such as diary studies or mobile experience samples, are designed to be completed on the mobile device only.
 +  * ** Questionnaire for computers only**\\ Other study designs are unsuitable for smartphones, e.g. when a task requires a great deal of information to be displayed on the screen at the same time or when response times are to be recorded at the touch of a button. In this case, you want to make sure that the questionnaire is not filled in on the smartphone.
-  *** The questionnaire should work everywhere** +===== Questionnaire for all devices =====
- +
-Often, participants should just be able to complete the questionnaire - regardless of whether they are using a laptop, tablet or smartphone. +
- +
-  * **Questionnaire for mobile devices only** +
- +
-Some study designs, such as diary studies or mobile experience samples, are designed to be completed on the mobile device only. +
- +
-  *** Questionnaire for computers only** +
-Other study designs are unsuitable for smartphones, e.g. when a task requires a great deal of information to be displayed on the screen at the same time or when response times are to be recorded at the touch of a button. In this case, you want to make sure that the questionnaire is not filled in on the smartphone. +
- +
- +
-====== Questionnaire for all devices ======+
 **Note:** Not every questionnaire is suitable for filling out on the small display of a smartphone. Long scale batteries (more than 10 items) are no more fun on the small display than long question texts/instructions or long stimulus texts. Not to mention the fact that you like to fill out a 5-minute questionnaire on the bus, but probably not a questionnaire that takes 30 minutes. Therefore, scientific questionnaires are often not suitable for the small mobile phone display, regardless of the presentation. **Note:** Not every questionnaire is suitable for filling out on the small display of a smartphone. Long scale batteries (more than 10 items) are no more fun on the small display than long question texts/instructions or long stimulus texts. Not to mention the fact that you like to fill out a 5-minute questionnaire on the bus, but probably not a questionnaire that takes 30 minutes. Therefore, scientific questionnaires are often not suitable for the small mobile phone display, regardless of the presentation.
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-====== Optimizations ======+==== Optimizations ====
 We recommend the following optimizations so that the questionnaire can be completed sensibly on smartphones: We recommend the following optimizations so that the questionnaire can be completed sensibly on smartphones:
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   * You may want to use "larger" or "very large" selection fields in the  [[:en:create:layout]]  in the tab //Basic settings// for the option Type of //selection fields// so that they are easier to select.   * You may want to use "larger" or "very large" selection fields in the  [[:en:create:layout]]  in the tab //Basic settings// for the option Type of //selection fields// so that they are easier to select.
   * If you use audio or video files, integrate them using HTML 5 ([[:en:create:media]]) and make sure that all video formats are converted so that they can also be played on mobile devices (pixel size, data rate, etc.).   * If you use audio or video files, integrate them using HTML 5 ([[:en:create:media]]) and make sure that all video formats are converted so that they can also be played on mobile devices (pixel size, data rate, etc.).
-  * Do not insert manual line breaks into items and texts, but use dollar signs ($$) to determine where the text should not break ([[:de:create:texts#wiki-notation]]).+  * Do not insert manual line breaks into items and texts, but use dollar signs ($$) to determine where the text should not break ([[:de:create:texts#wiki-notation]])
-====== Filters for smartphone users ======+ 
 +==== Filters for smartphone users ====
 With the question type "Device and transmitted variables" you can find out whether a participant completes the questionnaire using a smartphone: With the question type "Device and transmitted variables" you can find out whether a participant completes the questionnaire using a smartphone:
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-====== Separate questionnaire ======+==== Separate questionnaire ====
 It is possible to submit a completely different questionnaire to smartphone users than to other users. This can be useful if, for example, other content is to be displayed on a larger scale and/or if the questionnaire is to use a completely different layout for smartphone users (e.g. "SoSci Smartphone"). It is possible to submit a completely different questionnaire to smartphone users than to other users. This can be useful if, for example, other content is to be displayed on a larger scale and/or if the questionnaire is to use a completely different layout for smartphone users (e.g. "SoSci Smartphone").
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-====== Questionnaires for Smartphones only ======+===== Questionnaires for Smartphones only =====
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 +For the following code example, it is assumed that the block "Device and transmitted variables" has the identifier "GG01" and the text has the identifier "GG02". The following PHP code is placed as the first element on the first page of the questionnaire. It already integrates "GG01" using '[[:de:create:functions:question]]]'', so that the module "GG01" no longer needs to be placed separately in the questionnaire.
-Zudem wird ein Text angelegt (Texte im Fragebogen), der z.B. die Kennung „GG02“ hat und den Teilnehmer höflich darauf hinweist, den Fragebogen via Mobilgerät zu bearbeiten. 
-Für das folgende Code-Beispiel wird davon ausgegangen, dass der Baustein „Gerät und übermittelte Variablen“ die Kennung „GG01“ hat und der Text die Kennung „GG02“. Folgender PHP-Code wird als erstes Element auf der ersten Seite des Fragebogens platziert. Er bindet „GG01“ bereits mittels question() ein, sodass der Baustein „GG01“ nicht mehr gesondert im Fragebogen platziert werden muss. 
-question('GG01'); // Funktionalen Baustein GG01 einbinden, um das Geräteformat zu ermitteln+<code php> 
 +question('GG01'); // Integrate functional block GG01 to determine the device format
 if ((value('GG01_FmF') == 1) or (value('GG01_FmF') == 2)) { if ((value('GG01_FmF') == 1) or (value('GG01_FmF') == 2)) {
-  text('GG02');   // Text anzeigen +  text('GG02');   // Show text 
-  buttonHide();   // Knöpfe ausblenden, sodass der Fragebogen nicht weiter ausgefüllt werden kann+  buttonHide();   // Hide buttons so that the questionnaire can no longer be completed
 } }
-Hinweis: Dieser PHP-Code erlaubt das Ausfüllen mittels Tablet. Um auch dies zu verbieten, ergänzen Sie eine Prüfung or (value('GG01_FmF') == 2) im IF-Filter.+</code>
-Hinweis: Der PHP-Code soll ein versehentliches Ausfüllen auf dem falschen Gerät vermeiden. Durch gezielte Manipulation können Teilnehmer den Fragebogen u.U. auch auf einem Gerät ausfüllen, das eigentlich nicht zugelassen werden sollte: Einige Browser (z.B. Chrome) können ein Mobilgerät emulieren, andere Browser können eine gefälschte Browserkennung übermitteln. 
 +**Note:** This PHP code allows filling using Tablet. To prohibit this too, add a check or (value('GG01_FmF') == 2) in the IF filter.
-Fragebogen nur für Computer 
-Einige Inhalte sind für Smartphones oder sogar für Tablet-Computer nicht geeignet. Das können zum Beispiel sein… 
-Komplexe kombinierte Fragen, die kompakt detaillierte Informationen abfragen +**Note:** The PHP code is designed to avoid inadvertent filling on the wrong deviceThrough targeted manipulationparticipants may also be able to fill out the questionnaire on a device that should not be allowed: some browsers (e.gChromecan emulate a mobile device, other browsers can transmit a fake browser identification.
-Rangordnungs-Fragen, die viel Platz benötigen, oder Fragen, die auf Basis von Reaktionszeiten eine implizite Einstellung messen sollen, z.B. ein IAT (beides ist auch auf Smartphones prinzipiell möglich aber evtl. aus methodischen Erwägungen nicht erwünscht) +
-Testsdie eine Tastatur und/oder Maus als Eingabegerät benötigen +
-Videos, die in einer ruhigen Umgebung (nicht im Bus des ÖPNV) an einem Computer mit Lautsprechern angesehen werden sollen +
-Abbildungen von Internetseiten, wie sie auf einem normalen Computer aussehen, deren Inhalte auf einem kleinen Smartphone-Display nicht erkennbar wären +
-Mittels Filter kann man Teilnehmern, die ein Mobilgerät nutzen, freundlich mitteilen, dass dieses zum Ausfüllen nicht geeignet istDas Vorgehen ist äquivalent zum Abweisen von Teilnehmern in Smartphone-Studien (soben).+
-Frage/Baustein „Gerät und übermittelte Variablen“ anlegen (z.BGG01+ 
-Freundlichen Text anlegen (z.BGG02+===== Questionnaire for computers only ===== 
-Zu Beginn des Fragebogens mittels Filter Teilnehmern mit einem Mobilgerät den Text anzeigen + 
-question('GG01'); // Funktionalen Baustein GG01 einbinden, um das Geräteformat zu ermitteln+Some content is not suitable for smartphones or even tablet computers. These could be for example... 
 +  * Unordered List ItemComplex combined questions that compactly retrieve detailed information 
 +  * Ranking questions that require a lot of space, or questions that should measure an implicit setting based on reaction times, e.g. a [[:en:create:questions:iat|IAT]] (both are also possible on smartphones in principle but may not be desired for methodological reasons) 
 +  * Tests that require a keyboard and/or mouse as input device 
 +  * Videos to be viewed in a quiet environment (not on the public transport bus) on a computer with speakers 
 +  * Images of Internet pages as they look on a normal computer whose contents would not be visible on a small smartphone display 
 +You can use filters to inform subscribers who use a mobile device that it is not suitable for filling in the formThe procedure is equivalent to rejecting participants in smartphone studies (see above). 
 +  * Create question/module "Device and transmitted variables" (e.g. "GG01"
 +  * Create friendly text (e.g"GG02"
 +  * Display the text at the beginning of the questionnaire using a filter Participants with a mobile device 
 +<code php> 
 +question('GG01'); // Integrate functional block GG01 to determine the device format
 if ((value('GG01_FmF') == 4) or (value('GG01_FmF') == 5)) { if ((value('GG01_FmF') == 4) or (value('GG01_FmF') == 5)) {
-  text('GG02');   // Text anzeigen +  text('GG02');   // Show text 
-  buttonHide();   // Knöpfe ausblenden, sodass der Fragebogen nicht weiter ausgefüllt werden kann+  buttonHide();   // Hide buttons so that the questionnaire can no longer be completed
 } }
-Verwenden Sie die Variablen-Übersicht, um die möglichen Ausprägungen des Geräte-Formats für den Filter zu ermitteln. Code 4 beschreibt ein Mobilgerät, dessen Format nicht genau bestimmt werden kann, Code 5 beschreibt in Smartphone.+</code> 
 +Use the **Variables overview** to determine the possible values of the device format for the filter. Code 4 describes a mobile device whose format cannot be exactly determined, Code 5 describes in Smartphone. 
en/create/smartphones.txt · Last modified: 19.09.2024 08:27 by admin
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