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User account and setup of survey

Before launching a survey with oFb you need to install a user account to set up a survey project.

Tip: You only have to register once. Further projects can be set up with your existing user account.

Setup of a survey project

After registering an user account you can login to the administration area with your user name and password.

To launch a new project click projects left in the menu and then launch new project. A data entry form for the setup of a new survey project will appear. Choose an expressive title for your survey (for example „The use of social media networks“ ) and a short, memorable project index.

With the project index you determine under which internet address (URL) your questionnaire will be available for participants from now on. The first part of the internet address (for example is set by the server and cannot be changed. It is followed by your personal project index ( The project index is not allowed to contain special characters or blanks.

Now choose the type of project.

Tip: Choose test-project or methodological test as project type if you want to get to know the features of oFb to begin with. In this case you do not have to insert a short description of the study.

A description of the project is not directed at potential participants but at other researchers or project managers. If you do not want third persons to read the description, you can also deactivate this feature. For this, you can choose the option hide project under visibility of the project in the drop down.

Note: The area visibility of the project only shows up, if you choose a different type of project than test project or methodological test.

The choice of language is used to specify in which language the questionnaire will be set up initially. You can add further language versions later.

Click OK, to save the new project. After this you will automatically be logged in to the new project. Now you can set up your first questionnaire (a questionnaire in 5 minutes).

Tip: You can change the project index later with the use of the project settings. However, this is only possible until you have fixed a survey period. To change the project index afterwards, simply remove the survey period again.

Set up further projects

In order to launch further projects, you are not required to register again.

Click user account in the surface for setting up questionnaires left in the menu. You can set up a new project under the menu point projects.

If you are governing several projects, you can also switch between the different projects here.

Change password or user data

Click user account left in the menu on the setup surface. You can choose a new password under the menu point change password.

Forgot your password

If the user name or the password for the user account are forgotten, a new password can be generated. After a failed login you can choose forgot access data. If you try repeatedly to login with a wrong password, the form for a new password will equally appear.

en/create/register.txt · Last modified: 12.08.2022 19:34 by admin
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