Translations of this page:

Problems with the Registration/Login

  • You have registered a user account but are not able to log in (anymore)?
  • You can log in to SoSci Survey but not to Online Support?

We have gathered all the information here to help you with these questions.

Also interesting in the context of project registration: Free Use

E-Mail for Registration

After registering, you should have received an email welcoming you to the survey server. Please find this email first. This email encludes two important informations:

  • The Survey Server and
  • Your username

Login Name versus Email Address

The login form, which asks for login name and password, usually accepts your email address. But the correct assignment of the user account is not always possible.

If the login is not working, instead of the e-mail address, please enter the username that you selected during registration and that you received again in the registration e-mail.

This also and especially applies to the login in the Online-Support. If this does not work, please enter the username as the login name instead of the email address.

The Correct Survey Server

First, find out which survey server you registered with. SoSci Survey GmbH operates two survey servers ( and In addition, many universities operate their own survey servers based on SoSci Survey (SoSci Survey at your university).

These university servers run completely separate from the servers of SoSci Survey GmbH. If you have registered on, then these login details are only valid for and – if you have registered on a university server, the login details are only valid there.

Please check the registration email to make sure you are logging into the correct survey server.

Login in the Online Support

To login to Online Support, a user account on is required. If you are working on a local (university) survey server and would like to ask a question in online support, please register a user account at

Forgot Password

If you enter an incorrect password in the login form and click on “OK”, SoSci Survey offers the item Forgot Login or Password in the navigation on the left.

This function allows you to request an email to reset your password.

en/create/login-trouble.txt · Last modified: 26.05.2021 08:49 by sophia.schauer
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