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string getLanguage()

Determines which language the questionnaire is currently shown in. This function is particularly helpful if the participant is able to choose from different language versions at the beginning of the survey (Multilingual Surveys).

The function returns the three letter language code as specified in ISO 639-2. The language code for your survey can be found in Language VersionsManage Language Versions (if your survey project has multiple language versions).


Depending on the language version, the participants should be forwarded to various different websites at the end of the questionnaire.

if (getLanguage() == 'fre') {
} else {

The following PHP code sends – depending on the language version – one of two mailings after 14 days to then resume the questionnaire (see buttonHide()).

if (caseTime('begin') < 24 * 3600) {
  if (getLanguage() == 'eng') {
    mailResume(false, 3, 14 * 24 * 3600);  // English version
  } else {
    mailResume(false, 4, 14 * 24 * 3600);  // German version
} else {
en/create/functions/getlanguage.1421430499.txt.gz · Last modified: 16.01.2015 18:48 by alexander.ritter
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