
We are pleased to welcome you to the "Religiosity and Spirituality" study.
Below you will find some information and notes on our research project.

Project Lead
Prof. Dr. Oliver Wilhelm, Tel.: +49-(0)731/50 31140, E-Mail: oliver.wilhelm@uni-ulm.de
M.Sc. Elisa Altgassen, Tel. +49-(0)731/50-31146, E-Mail: elisa.altgassen@uni-ulm.de

Purpose of the study
In this study, we present you with a selection of questions designed to measure your religiosity and spirituality. The aim of this study is to investigate the applicability of questionnaires to assess religiosity and spirituality. If you would not describe yourself as spiritual or religious, you make an equally important contribution to the study. The same applies if you would describe yourself as religious but not spiritual or as spiritual but not religious.

This study will take approximately 30 minutes.

You will answer various questions about your religiosity and spirituality. The study consists of five blocks:
1) you are asked to indicate how much the particular statement applies to you.
2) demographic questions, such as age, gender, religious denomination, and educational status are collected.
3) you are asked to indicate whether you exhibited the specific behavior during the specified period or not.
4) you will be asked again to indicate the extent to which each statement applies to you.
5) you will be shown questions for which you should select the answer that best applies to you from four given options.

Due to the large sample size and anonymization, none of your information will allow any conclusions about you personally.

Quality control
The questionnaire contains two attention checks that are used to recognize automated response bots.
If you do not answer both attention checks correctly, we will have to exclude you from the study, as we cannot be sure that you are a human (and not a robot).