====== Play music along several pages ====== SoSci gives you the opportunity to present music or videos along the whole qustionaire by means of a frameset. How this works is shown below.((Thanks to [[sbrand@students.uni-mainz.de|Sebastian Brand]] for this chapter.)). ===== Define a frameset ===== The first step is to create a frameset in SoSci Survey. Click [[http://wiki.selfhtml.org/wiki/HTML/Frames|SelfHTML: Frames]] to see what a frameset is. Loosley speaking a frameset is a table, which devides a website into areas, whereas the contents can be worked on individually. To generate a frameset in SoSci Survey a text file has to be created on the desktop. Name it e.g. “start.html”. **Important:** It is crucial saving the file as a pure ASCII-text. Due to this it is necessary to use a text editor (e.g. [[https://notepad-plus-plus.org/|Notepad++]], [[http://www.scintilla.org/SciTE.html|SciTE]] or Windows note pad) but __no__ word processor such as MS Word or OpenOffice/LibreOffice. **Important:** Take care that the file extension is changed respectively, converting the former text file into an html-file. The file should now contain the following html-code: Questionnaire Watch out for the line '' Audio Here the audio file was attached by ''