0% completed

If you would like to position your company in the RWTH Matching Platform, please fill out the form completely. We will then transfer your details to the Matching Platform. This may take a few days. 

Please do not fill out the form again if your company is already represented on the platform! If in doubt, take a look there (https://matchingtool.rwth-aachen.de/). If you would like to adjust your details in the platform, please contact potentials@rwth-aachen.de.

With this new online tool, graduates of RWTH Aachen University can easily search for companies that match their degree programme. Likewise, companies can also search for suitable degree programmes for their needs.


2. In which industry is your company active?

3. How many employees does your company currently have?

4. If you have already completed our survey and do not wish to provide any further information (on your requirements, the subjects and study profiles you are looking for), you can skip this part and continue the questionnaire at the end with the questions on event formats.

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